One of the things I love about ministering in the FCA is seeing all of the different ministry connections taking place to advance the Kingdom of God together. Last weekend I was able to be part of facilitating a week of ministry with the All Nations Family of Churches, a group of FCA Churches that work very closely together in the Twin Cities, to bring in Jodi Bunn to speak to several groups of leaders and churches from Thursday through Sunday as we worked on growing in our cross-cultural competence as we advance the Kingdom of God at home and abroad.
Last October and November we had Pastor Steven Mayanja visiting different churches in the USA and sharing about their ministry initiatives in several countries in Africa. As a result of those trips, funds were raised to help with purchasing land and building a building for a church plant in Ghana. Recently Bill Johnson and Mike Pool from Rock Church in Rockford, IL met with Emem Jacob from the FCA in Nigeria and Steve Mayanja from the FCA Affiliate ministry in Uganda and Ghana (Uganda Christian Outreach Ministries and Ghana Christian Outreach Ministries). Together they went to Ghana to see this new church that was being planted by one the graduates from the World Outreach Ministry Foundation Bible College in Uganda and while they were there they ended up baptizing 250 people that week! In fact, in the end they ended up planting two churches!
This weekend I am in Brodhead, WI, with my wife Sarah, visiting Russ & Becky Doebler to help in prayer ministry at their Breaking Free Weekend at Living Word. We are joined by Dave & Gretchen Spooner, Alyssa Doebler, and Brian Doty. This is another example of our leaders and ministries coming alongside other churches to serve together.
These are powerful examples of what can happen when we come together and connect in ministry to advance the Kingdom of God by bringing whatever we can each bring. Who are you connecting with to do ministry together?