by Paul Vallee.
As you’ve surely noticed, change is not always good, nor desired. There are both positive and negative aspects to change. For example, when we...
The 2012 FCA Canada Convention in Winnipeg started off with a bang as Elder Jim Reimer shared the vision for church-planting in Canada.
Delegates started off by...
by Brent Hanson.
I don’t fit the profile of most church planters. My personality is naturally introverted. I am not a person who is known for boldness. I tend to...
by Mel Delaney.
We all know, as individual Christians, that our witness starts with teaching and maintaining healthy relationships in the home. If our own house is not...
Here is the teaching outline for the seminar presented at the 2006 FCA International Convention in Monterrey, Mexico. Dennis Sawyer is the now-retired pastor of Church...
by Dennis Gunnarson.
Whether someone is a Beauty or the Beast, they should feel welcome at church. That is why “Be Our Guest” is a core value of our...
by Rich Doebler.
“There goes my pew!”
Art Luoma, 75, watched as the younger men stacked our church pews inside the rental trucks. We had just concluded our...
by Russ Doebler.
Our church wandered a wilderness for 40 years. It was a wilderness of internal strife and disunity, with one painful pastoral transition after...