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Floods Devastate Parts of Tanzania

Floods Devastate Parts of Tanzania
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Twenty-three families lost loved ones, homes, or their personal possessions—and some lost everything. Many flood victims from Kasansa now live in a public building intended for storing crops after harvest. The FCA can give them hope.

On March 31, flash floods in western Tanzania transformed small streams into piles of rocks, trees, and rubble as water and mud came blasting down the mountain. Six deaths have been confirmed with a seventh yet to be found.
Missionary Tori Rasmussen, who had helped build a dam complete with holding tanks and pipes to supply water to the village of Kasansa, tells of many houses being totally leveled, leaving only foundations. “Burnt brick is no match to tons of water and rock!” he said.
Prayers are needed as Tori works to provide basic shelters for 23 families who lost homes and/or possessions. He also aims to restore the village’s water supply. Estimated costs for both projects together are about $12,000. Donations may be sent using

Many houses were washed away by the flood, leaving only ruined foundations and bricks in the mud and water.

A raging surge of water 4½ feet high smashed into this house.

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