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A Canadian Perspective of Convergence 2018

A Canadian Perspective of Convergence 2018
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by Glen Forsberg

Convergence 2018 was a unique celebration of the “Heart of the Father in the Heart of the Continent.” Winnipeg is both the longitudinal and latitudinal center of the North America continent.

The physical and spiritual concept of the centrality of God the Father was evident at Convergence 2018. The 349 delegates illustrated a level of interest and anticipation which inspired their attendance. Convergence was unique in its international attendance from the continents of Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and our beloved southerly nation of the USA.

Many travel visas were obtained due to the hard work and significant cost absorbed by the planning committee. Convergence 2018 was possibly host to the largest number of offshore delegates in a Canadian conference site.

Convergence exhibited brave initiatives which encouraged interaction and participation. The illustrated message of the Extravagant Father released a celebrative atmosphere of the joy of belonging to the Father’s house. Eloquent plenary and workshop speakers added to the practical results of the Father’s heart.

This continued with evening worship celebrations to illustrate the theme, and a unique and impacting “River Walk” of spiritual ministry. This was all encased within a warm “welcome home” atmosphere. In addition to all of this, the planners are to be commended in managing a balanced conference budget.

Several round table discussions for Canadians on Envisioning Tuesday exhibited increasing energy towards a renewed movement of faith and action in leadership development. Om that note, I would encourage you to read an inspiring devotional by Pastor Philip Jangam from a recent Coordinators’ meeting. Philip is Pastor of Acts World Outreach Church in Toronto, where he also serves as the FCA Regional Coordinator of GTA Central in Toronto, Canada.

With joy and peace in believing,

Glen Forsberg is Fellowship Pastor for FCA Canada and has been pastor of several churches throughout Canada, most recently McMurray Gospel Assembly in Fort McMurray, AB.

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