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A Great Man Lived Among Us

A Great Man Lived Among Us
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by Glen Forsberg.

Jack Whitesell was a man much appreciated among Canadian pastors and churches of many denominations. My earliest recollections of him were during my childhood. Both Jack and his beloved wife, Olive, had roots near my hometown.

Jack spoke several times in my childhood church and taught in the Bible college I attended. His biblical insight was inspiring to me, even as a young person. I recall his brief foray into biblical archaeology, a subject that fascinates me.

The leadership of the last three churches I have pastored have all benefited from numerous consultations with him on church growth. Jack was animated in his handling of these sessions. The possibilities he envisioned for God’s church brought new vision to us leaders. His love for God, the church, and his “outbound” philosophy translated into fresh anointing and action among our leaders and members.

Jack never had time for retirement. I recall him saying, “As long as God’s call is upon you and the church is moving forward, you are good to serve until you are 80 years old.” It is obvious that he practised his own preaching. I can say without reservation that we are richer today because Jack came to our town.

Farewell, Jack! We love you and thank God for you. The dream you shared is still alive!

Glen Forsberg is Chairman of FCA Canada and Senior Pastor of McMurray Gospel Assembly in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

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