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Altar’d – Day 2

Altar’d – Day 2
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Jeff 6What a powerful day we had yesterday! Dr. Jeff Hubing started us out with a reminder of the element of sacrifice in worship.

…We cannot have worship without sacrifice on the altar!


We went on to Connect Groups with various speakers leading interactive workshops and then enjoyed great fellowship in lunches together.

Tony  3During the Annual Meeting that afternoon there were several presentations (we’ll post minutes of the meeting in the near future). Tony Simon presented on Church Planting and we all resolved to either take up offerings to send towards church planting or to add .25% to our budgets to designate towards encouraging church planting around our fellowship. 

Jodi Bunn presented on our next steps towards formally recognizing our ties to Global Affiliates we have had for years around the world (stay tuned for updates on this in the future).

DerekDerek Forseth shared about some upcoming steps in transitioning our leadership structures as we continue to move towards ministry that is facilitated by the serving of Fellowship Elders in our regions.

The National Board has asked John Sprecher to serve a 2 year term as Lead Elder as we transition to further empowering the Fellowship Elders on a regional and national level.  During those two years we will be seeking to discern, regionally and nationally, what the future structures and needs of the FCA are. We were able to gather and pray over John and Warren Heckman, who has served as our National Coordinator for 10 years. We are so thankful Warren’s leadership over these last 10 years.

John-Warren Prayer (4)

The day concluded with a powerful time of worship, sharing, and ministry with Todd White.

Todd White - Night 2


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You can tune in LIVE to the ‪#‎FCAconvention‬ with Todd White this morning

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