Ministering to children and families of prisoners can be hard. Just ask FCA ministers, Bob and Mona Davies who are founders of the Community Outreach Center in...
Reported by John Sprecher
The final morning of the US FCA 2017 convention sent the attending ministers back home with a sense of gratitude—not only for a wonderful and...
David Rice, missionary to Mexico, delivered a timely and impassioned word to ministers at the 2017 US FCA convention, held in New York last week.
David Rice,...
Al Toledo, pastor of the Chicago Tabernacle, spoke at Thursday night’s service.
On Thursday, the last night of the 2017 US convention, Al Toledo, pastor of the...
The FCA members’ business meeting at the 2017 convention in New York affirmed nominations of a new executive board, which serves along with regional...
Reported by Roger Armbruster, Canadian Fellowship Elder and FCA Media board member
There was a powerful sense of God’s presence Wednesday at the 2017 U.S. FCA...
This morning we heard from two young leaders in our fellowship who shared about the importance of having an overflow of God in our lives that impacts our lives and...