City Church in Madison, WI recently hosted their Intimacy with God Conference from July 29 – August 1. Check out the powerful messages from Fellowship Elders...
Have you ever struggled with connecting people to ministry?
Here are some very practical steps from David Arrol Macfarlane on effective ways to engage people in...
Pastor Henry’s memorial service will be this Saturday, August 15, at 11 am at the Duluth Gospel Tabernacle.
There will be a Visitation time from 10-11 and...
By John Sprecher
Is it a good or bad idea to let another congregation use your building?
On the one hand, the theory sounds good; maximize a church’s square...
By Sam Snyder
The other day I was teaching my son how to use a wheelbarrow while I was moving a big dirt pile with my kids. He wasn’t quite tall enough or strong...
Editor’s Note: With the recent United States Supreme Court decision regarding marriage we are again reminded of the importance of engaging with culture instead...
By Tom Yerman
We are living in a time and place in which we here in America are possibly only beginning to experience and better understand the reality and challenge...
Pastor Henry Jauhiainen went to his eternal reward early Friday, July 3rd, with his family around his bedside.
Originally from the Copper Country of the Upper...
By John Sprecher
The action of the Supreme Court on Friday is recognition of the power of a few who are determined to advance an agenda and a sobering reminder that...