The Canadian FCA Convention is coming up NEXT WEEK! Lots of great things ahead for all of you who will be at the Convention (don’t forget to sign up for what you...
by Sam Snyder
I am so thankful that the FCA is so involved in fulfilling the Great Commission in so many different ways around the world. I wouldn’t be who I am...
Worship Leader and part-time Assistant to Senior Pastor
Would you like to be involved in Christian ministry without compromising your full-time employment? Then...
by Rich Doebler
The other day I read a short blog post that talked about how Christian Media (specifically TV and radio) are increasingly irrelevant. The post and the...
UPDATE: this position has been filled!
Calvary Gospel Assembly is looking for an individual who LOVES JESUS and knows they are called to be a Youth Pastor. Is that...
“lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35
This is the scripture that the Lord has put under the feet of the Open...
by Sam Snyder
Have you heard the news lately? It’s not good news, in fact the news has been bad lately. Very bad. War with Syria seemed imminent a couple of...
by Ron Devore
Jack Deere, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, church planter, and author of the book, “Surprised by the Presence of God,” once...