Here in the USA we are in the midst of one of the most unusual political election cycles in recent memory. In every news cycle we hear about the latest poll, margin...
It is great followers that make great leaders. “To be great is to serve. To be chief is to be the slave of all,” the words of our Savior.
Anyone who wants...
By Tom Flaherty
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it…yet the Lord longs to be...
By Tom Flaherty
In the spring of 2009 the woman leading our weekly prayer meeting requested prayer because the burden of leading was heavy on her. She was in charge...
Have you ever struggled with connecting people to ministry?
Here are some very practical steps from David Arrol Macfarlane on effective ways to engage people in...
By Sam Snyder
The other day I was teaching my son how to use a wheelbarrow while I was moving a big dirt pile with my kids. He wasn’t quite tall enough or strong...
By Tom Yerman
We are living in a time and place in which we here in America are possibly only beginning to experience and better understand the reality and challenge...
As we approach Father’s Day, I can’t help but think of the importance of honoring the fathers in our lives, not just our parents, but also honoring the...