At five-foot-eight and 140 pounds (well, give or take a few), I’m not exactly suited for gymnastics-especially now that I’m deep into my forties. Yet, here...
The phone call came as we were just beginning a capital stewardship program in preparation for a major building project. The consultant had suggested that we ask...
Would you want the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse trampling through your home? The end-times imagery that John paints in his Revelation captures the grim effect...
by Paul Phillips.
I’ve experienced firsthand the love of a father for his child. I can say without a doubt that my four children are my greatest assets. I call...
by Christoper Ullman.
“Please help me in some ongoing research I am doing. Take out a blank piece of paper. Don’t sign it. I want to keep this totally...
by Joel Holm.
As part of the Body of Christ, what is your church? A finger? A foot? An appendix?
I never knew much about the human appendix until my son’s blew up last...
by Dennis Gunnarson.
The mission of rallying the “man of the house” in our churches starts with respect. In general, men have enough to occupy their time;...
by LeAnn Riveness.
The least I could do–and the most I could ever do–is to love and worship Jesus Christ with all my heart. This is in fact, the first...
by Paul Vallee.
Church splits are incredibly painful. Often God’s people are so broken and disillusioned by the experience that they never fully recover. Instead...