by Roger Armbruster
[Editor’s note: This plea from Canadian pastor and elder, Roger Armbruster, speaks not only to Canadian concerns but also to matters...
“Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and...
By Marco Bianco
As a corporate chaplain I spend a good deal of my time visiting with my corporate employee constituents week in and week out. Personal weekly...
Thomas Yerman sent this passionate call to unity just before the recent elections in the U.S. Now with a divided Congress, his plea is perhaps even more poignant. What...
by Drew Brattrud
When the coroner left, I felt a deep sense of sadness.
“J” lived in a neighborhood of section 8, government sponsored housing. Riddled with drugs and...
Maybe you’ve noticed a trend in Pentecostal churches—a shift away from altar calls and congregations yearning for an encounter with God. Samuel Rodriguez has....
If you missed the 2018 Convergence — or if you attended and want to revisit some of the highlights — check out the links below.
VIDEOS — Presented at the convention
So many of the stories we hear about God’s miracles occur in distant lands or happened years in the past. That’s all well and good, but what is God doing...
“Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all his ways.” — James 1:8
2018 is a good time to “un-commit” to everything we are not sure or confident of.
By Tom...