by Warren Heckman.
This is a reprint from 2010, but just as relevant as ever.
We face two big things this month. First, it’s time for us all to renew our FCA listings, and second, it’s time to get all that Christmas shopping done. I’ll leave the shopping to your discretion, but I want to say a few words about showing up in the FCA Directory. Maybe you are asking yourself, “Why spend the money?”
I think I can answer that. It is my strong conviction that we need to make several commitments as believers: first to Christ, second to a local church, and third to a fellowship or community of ministers and churches. There are other worthwhile commitments, but I’ll stop with these three.
I am committed to the FCA because I need you all more than you need me. I need ministers and missionaries who inspire me, challenge me, inform me, encourage me and keep me accountable. Yes, I know we can have that without having our name in a directory, but there is something about laying it on the line, putting my name in the book that is an act of commitment to a group. I am proud to be associated with such people of integrity, faithfulness and vision for the local church and churches.
I belong to other groups: the YMCA, Sam’s Club, a frequent-fliers club, and I used to belong to Rotary. Each cost me something, but I found them valuable and profitable. As your National Coordinator for the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, I use our annual directory constantly. I refer people to other people, I answer email inquiries, I respond to your requests for phone numbers and addresses, and I network with ministers and missionaries throughout the year.
When youth pastors, worship pastors, children’s pastors and executive pastors are listed, it is great for them to connect with one another and share ideas and activities.When I can’t find someone’s name in the directory, it’s a hunt to chase down the needed information. So, let me encourage you to get your information and payments in to the U.S. office ASAP. The deadline is only a week away-December 15. Thanks!
Warren Heckman is a life-long member of the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies and the former U.S. FCA National Coordinator.