Toronto Convention Considers the Real, The Ideal
FCA Canada’s 2011 Convention opened Tuesday, October 18, 2011 with a research review of evangelicalism across the nation, presented by keynote speaker Rick Hiemstra. “Our most recent estimate is that evangelicals, now at 4 million, make up some 12 percent of the Canadian population,” said the director of research and media relations for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). Displaying a number of graphs on the screen, he called on the 150 attenders to understand societal trends and work toward greater impact.
On Wednesday, October 19, 2011, FCA Chairman Glen Forsberg read from Hebrews 12:2 (“… looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith …”) and urged his listeners to focus on what God has in mind for the nation. He noted that “the hunger for spirituality in our country is actually rising again,” according to the latest book from University of Lethbridge sociologist Dr. Reginald Bibby. Secularization, long on the upsurge, now seems to be losing some of its popularity. “More Canadians these days want to see the power of God, the footprints of God,” said Forsberg. “They may not be looking for religion per se, but they are definitely asking the eternal questions.”
He showed a movie promo for the upcoming film The Mighty Macs as an example of striving for what some might call impossible. “Do you have a dream for your church, for this nation?” he challenged. He went on to describe three FCA churches making fresh impacts on their diverse communities through outreaches–a small town in the B.C. Kootenays, the big city of Edmonton, and the immigrant-heavy neighborhoods of Scarborough.
The afternoon business session heard reports on various FCA-Canada initiatives and took the following actions:
To fully merge its existing website with as a joint venture with FCA-U.S.
To standardize annual membership fees for all churches, large and small, at 0.5 percent of income (exclusive of missions and building fund gifts), as of the year 2013
To adopt a “20/20 Vision” that earmarks $20,000 for church planting and $20,000 for leadership training through FCA’s Living Faith Bible College, these funds to come from existing reserves
To accept and implement a new “Restoration Program Manual” prepared by the Elders for rehabilitating “fallen ministers”
To elect three Fellowship Elders for three-year terms: Roger Armbruster (incumbent); Lovelace St. John (incumbent), Brad Montsion. (Other Fellowship Elders currently serving: Glen Forsberg, Paul Reich, Jim Reimer, Paul Vallee.)
To authorize the Board of Fellowship Elders to choose its own officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary/treasurer) rather than requiring a membership vote
To approve a 2012 budget calling for income of $86,016, expenses of $98,330; the shortfall will be covered from existing reserves.
To locate future conventions in the following places: 2012–Winnipeg. 2013–Nelson, B.C. (The year 2014 will be a joint convention with FCA-U.S. in a Canadian city yet to be chosen.)
The meeting concluded with a standing ovation for outgoing Secretary Rick Orsten, who has served as FCA-Canada’s secretary since the late 1990’s.
The convention continues on through Thursday, October 20, 2011. The sessions are being streamed live on, and audio recordings will be posted online following the convention.