Thank You for Praying—Here’s What God Did in Colombia and Ecuador!

I can’t thank you enough for walking with me through the last 10 days of FCA Global Connections ministry in Colombia and Ecuador with my son, Ben, and Omar Gamez, and his son Yacko. Your prayers, encouragement, and support carried us through this powerful time, and I want to share how God showed up in wonderful ways.
(Ben captured some great video clips—I can’t wait to share glimpses of this with you once he puts a recap video together!)

Seeing God’s Work in Colombia
We started in Medellín, Colombia, where we had the privilege of connecting with our hosts, Steven (aka Esteban) and Marta Finke, and their 2 sons, Andrew and Samuel. They’ve been connected with our Fellowship for a very long time, since Steven’s dad and mom, Bob and Marilyn Finke, were sent out as missionaries from one of our churches in Washington almost 60 years ago. They’re doing incredible work in planting and multiplying churches across Latin America through training and coaching. It was humbling and encouraging to see firsthand how God is using them to transform lives and communities.
Some of my favorite moments in Colombia included:
- Our first Sunday Services: Omar and I split up to minister at two churches. At one, a woman who came up for prayer for arthritis and knee pain began weeping during prayer, saying she felt heat all over her body. She shared that her knee no longer hurt! There were several others who testified about inner healing or physical healing in response to the messages shared.
- Monday connecting with Steven and Marta Finke (pictured below with Omar) and hearing more about the ministry they are doing. Truly incredible what God has done in them and through them. Bob and Marilyn Finke pioneered church planting work and God is continuing that through Steven, Marta, and the next generations of leaders in Latin America.

+ We also got to connect with Marilyn Finke over lunch on both Sundays and hear more about the school that just turned 30…but I wasn’t able to snap a picture of her with the group!
- Connecting with Leaders: At a gathering of pastors and leaders from Centros de Fe y Esperanza on Tuesday, we talked about God’s healing and wholeness in ministry and about practical skills for multiplying leaders. Watching these leaders pray for one another and encounter God’s presence was powerful.

- Speaking to Students: On Wednesday, we spoke to ninth and eleventh-grade students at a local school. We also got to tour the Pre-K through 1st grade and saw young children recite Scripture, which almost brought me to tears, and it was so meaningful to be part of the send-off for the graduating seniors on their last day of school.

Equipping Church Planters in Ecuador

From Medellín, we traveled to Guayaquil, Ecuador, to help with a Surge church planter training.
(Pastor Jaime, the Surge leader in Ecuador, teaching)
It was a great time of learning from this church planting movement for everyone involved! Seeing the hunger and dedication of these future church leaders was incredible. Their commitment to making disciples and establishing churches that bring light to their communities was so encouraging.
Final Four Sunday
We wrapped up the trip back in Colombia with speaking at 4 different Centros de Fe y Esperanza churches. Each service was different, but in every setting, God’s Spirit was present, bringing encouragement, healing, hope, and a clearer sense of God’s calling for His People. Omar spoke at one and shared a worship ministry workshop with their worship team too. I traveled to 3 throughout the day with Esteban and Ben. Marta joined us for the last one and Ben went to be with Omar, Yacko, and the Finke boys as they connected with church youth for soccer (which was a highlight for Ben and Yacko).
One of the greatest joys of this trip was sharing it with the team who came with me. My son, Ben, who chose this trip rather than investing in more videography gear, used his gifts to serve through photography, video, and even playing Bass one time when we needed him. Omar was a huge blessing and encourager. He stepped into preaching and teaching in all of these settings and ministered prophetically through his words to so many people. Yacko, was an encourager and ready to help in any way he could. He is a learner and a leader and always had great observations and contributions. Their partnership in ministry added so much depth and joy to this time (thank you to Two Rivers Church in Gilbert, AZ for sending them on this trip!!!)

This time with the Finkes was such a blessing. They poured into us as much as (or more than) we were able to pour into them. Their decades of faithful ministry and passion for multiplying disciples and churches left me deeply inspired. I’m so thankful for the opportunity that we had to minister together and for how they so warmly opened their home and their ministries to us!
And I’m grateful for you! Knowing that you were praying for us gave me strength during long days and full schedules. Your support allowed us to minister in so many ways, from equipping leaders to preaching the gospel to praying for the next generation.
Looking Ahead
As I reflect on this trip, I’m reminded that this is just the beginning of what God wants to do in Colombia, Ecuador, and beyond. There is such a need to continue advancing God’s Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit through local churches around the world!
Would you join me in continuing to pray? Here’s how we can lift this work up to God in prayer:
- For Leaders and Planters: Pray for the pastors, church planters, and leaders we met—that they would have wisdom, strength, and vision to carry this work forward.
- For Future Opportunities: Pray that God would open doors for more trainings and ministry opportunities in the USA, Latin America, and the rest of the world to make disciples, raise up leaders, and reach the nations who have not yet known Jesus.
- For Direction and Provision: Pray for God’s guidance and resources as we respond to these opportunities to see His Kingdom advance in our neighborhoods and in the nations through making disciples and planting churches!
Thank you for being part of this journey. I’m so excited about what God is doing, and I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
Staying Connected,
Sam Snyder
Global Connections & National Ministry Coordinator, FCA – USA,